
We are currently looking for women and men between the ages of 20 and 40 who have been living and working in Germany for a maximum of 3 years for online interviews on the topic of “migration processes”.
We are looking for people who have managed their migration independently or with the help of an organization or agency.
You can also be in the middle of your migration process.

If you are from Southeast Asia, India or Europe (non-EU country), please fill out the following questionnaire.

Appointments for the 90-minute interviews can be arranged between 29.01. and 21.02.
You will receive €150 as compensation for your time and effort.

If you know someone who fits the profile we are looking for, please forward this questionnaire. In the case of a successful mediation (the mediated person takes part in the interview) you will receive 50€ mediation commission.
(Falls Sie jemanden kennen, der in unser gesuchtes Profil passt, schicken Sie gerne diesen Fragebogen weiter. Bei erfolgreicher Vermittlung ( die vermittelte Person nimmt an dem Interview teil) erhalten Sie 50€ Vermittlungsprovision.)

We would like to thank you in advance for your interest and your efforts.
Your I+E-Team

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